Academic Paper

After more than two decades of Reformasi (Reformation) that started in 1998, religious conflicts continue to occur in Indonesia, particularly over the construction of houses of worship and attacks on citizens belonging to sects considered heretical. These developments have not only disrupted harmony and damaged...

Terorisme dan ekstremisme selama ini lebih banyak dilihat dalam ranah kajian keamanan (security). Laporan Kehidupan Beragama di Indonesia edisi ini menawarkan jalan lain dalam merespons ancaman terorisme dan ekstremisme. Belajar dari pengalaman di Poso, Sulawesi Tengah, dan Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat, laporan ini menunjukkan bahwa...

This article gives an overview on Indonesian student activism in Berlin, Germany. Based on documents (published and unpublished), interviews, and conversations with former and current student activists, the paper scrutinizes the trajectory of activism of Indonesian students in the capital of Germany since the 1960s and asks about...